Tuesday, March 4, 2008

These are the days...

Well, a couple of my friends have started blog spots and it's kind of fun to read them and see what's going on in their lives. So, I decided to try my hand at it. There are so many things going on in our life that I'm afraid that if I don't record them somewhere, I am going to forget all the cute sayings, and funny things the kiddos have done to keep us on our toes!

At this present time I have a 3 year old named Caleb, a 22 month old named Levi and am pregnant with our third, due in early July. I stay busy! The boys are such a delight!

Some funny things that have been happening here:

The boys are really into guns right now. Nana and Papa brought them some 6 shooters back from a trip they took and so now everything is turned into a gun as they go "hunting". The other day Caleb came upstairs with a drill bit in his hand and said almost growling, "Mama, I want to kill something!" Yikes! So off he went to play, shooting it up. He comes back and says to me, "Mama, look at all the people I killed!" Yikes again! So I, full of wisdom, say to him, "Honey, let's not shoot people, let's hunt for animals." He was in agreement. He quickly comes back with, "Mommy, look at all the puppies I killed!" Oh my! Does it end? No. I try to redirect him and give him other animal options. He picks sheep. "Mommy look at all the sheep I shot!" Well, I let it rest there seeing as how there are no stray sheep in the neighborhood that I need to worry about.

Levi, he is a cookie monster! The other day I caught him pushing a chair over to the counter where the cookie jar sits and climbing up on to it. All the while Caleb is at his side saying, "Yeah, now pull the cover off, pull the cover off!" What stinkers those two are!!

Well, I suppose I should wrap it up for today. We'll see when life affords another glimpse into our times. But, I am grateful for these days. Days of diapers, potty training, fits and tantrums. As well as hugs, kisses, snuggling on the couch for stories, and wrestling with Dad. We are blessed!


M Dude said...

Great stories! This is why we are not introducing guns to our boys - living in Chicago . . . killing people would be somewhat a reality!! I'll stick to pretending to be spiderman!

Liz said...

These pictures are so great, Heather!
p.s. Welcome to blogging!:)

Liz said...

Post-post script: I love Caleb's hunting instincts.

Nikki said...

Levi and his cookies and candy remind me of Olivia. She has a MAJOR sweet tooth!