Friday, March 28, 2008

It's been a while...

So, it has almost been a month since I have stolen a few moments to sneak out here to jot down a few thoughts, wow! We keep busy!

Micah built a set of stairs from the garage to the house a couple of weekends ago. That was nice. It was really getting tough to bring the groceries in by climbing up the ladder with my ever growing belly! Speaking of which, this pregnancy does seem to be the easiest so far. While I am often tired out from chasing the boys around all day, I can't complain to much about feeling sick or achy all that often.

Oh the boys, they are something else!

Spring will not come quick enough, and even as it makes its' way in slowly but surely, there is this thing called mud. The past couple of times I have taken the boys out to play, Levi and Caleb both head straight for the mud puddles. So, this past week when I was in town I bought each of the boys a pair of mud boots. We raced home to give them a try and boy were they a success!! So much so that when we came in to get ready for their nap time, it was a total melt down because they had to take off their boots and couldn't wear them to bed! I will post a couple of pictures for you to see. (Caleb is holding an umbrella on this perfectly sunny day because he didn't like having the water droplets that fall from the roof hit him in the head as he went in and out of the garage.)

Yes, I even bought myself a pair of mud boots! I figured since I can't stop them, I may as well join them!

At church on Easter Sunday, the kids made easter baskets in their sunday school time and each got just a few plastic eggs filled with candy. All the baskets were placed on a table so that parents could pick them up on their way out. Levi however sat right down at the table and quickly devoured ALL of his candy. Then, he moved on to his brothers', the neighbor boys', and soon had nearly ALL of the eggs empty! What a stinker! He was grinning ear to ear! We eventually realized what he was doing and put up all the baskets and their eggs much to his dismay. That didn't stop him. He quickly disappeared into another classroom where he found a plastic bin full of suckers. By the time I found him, he had two empty sucker sticks in his hands and drool running down his shirt! What a monkey!!

One morning when Micah was making eggs for breakfast, Caleb was sitting nearby and said to him, "Dad, if you give me some cheese, I'll be your best friend!" We both started laughing!

Other then that, we had the chance to go to a water park with the kids at a local hotel. That was really fun! They both did great! Levi liked the hot tub the best, as it kept him the warmest. They both also enjoyed the Lazy River!

I will post a few other pictures for you. Some of the boys hunting for easter eggs in our living room, and others of them just being silly. Hope your day is blessed.

Levi on the hunt!

Caleb on the hunt!

Now if I can just get this thing open!


Score, a second time!!

Mr. Potato Head glasses on a little bit bigger head.

Caleb kissin' on his little buddy, cousin Oliver.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

These are the days...

Well, a couple of my friends have started blog spots and it's kind of fun to read them and see what's going on in their lives. So, I decided to try my hand at it. There are so many things going on in our life that I'm afraid that if I don't record them somewhere, I am going to forget all the cute sayings, and funny things the kiddos have done to keep us on our toes!

At this present time I have a 3 year old named Caleb, a 22 month old named Levi and am pregnant with our third, due in early July. I stay busy! The boys are such a delight!

Some funny things that have been happening here:

The boys are really into guns right now. Nana and Papa brought them some 6 shooters back from a trip they took and so now everything is turned into a gun as they go "hunting". The other day Caleb came upstairs with a drill bit in his hand and said almost growling, "Mama, I want to kill something!" Yikes! So off he went to play, shooting it up. He comes back and says to me, "Mama, look at all the people I killed!" Yikes again! So I, full of wisdom, say to him, "Honey, let's not shoot people, let's hunt for animals." He was in agreement. He quickly comes back with, "Mommy, look at all the puppies I killed!" Oh my! Does it end? No. I try to redirect him and give him other animal options. He picks sheep. "Mommy look at all the sheep I shot!" Well, I let it rest there seeing as how there are no stray sheep in the neighborhood that I need to worry about.

Levi, he is a cookie monster! The other day I caught him pushing a chair over to the counter where the cookie jar sits and climbing up on to it. All the while Caleb is at his side saying, "Yeah, now pull the cover off, pull the cover off!" What stinkers those two are!!

Well, I suppose I should wrap it up for today. We'll see when life affords another glimpse into our times. But, I am grateful for these days. Days of diapers, potty training, fits and tantrums. As well as hugs, kisses, snuggling on the couch for stories, and wrestling with Dad. We are blessed!